Happy New Year SMS: Today We Are Going To Share Advance Happy New Year SMS, We Have Pick Only Best New Year SMS - Latest New Year SMS.
Happy New Year SMS in Hindi 140 Words
1. The new year begins, let us pray, It will be a year of peace, happiness & abundance of new friends, God bless you throughout the Happy New Year
2. Knock knock, I'm the New Year with all blessings, happiness, love and care for you. Welcomed me with an open heart and enjoy my excitement. Happy New Year
3. Huh, another year passed with friends #Kaminay like. Oh shit, Must bear u guys for another year ..? Good Luck with me. Happy New Year.Time fly away so quickly. But it gives me the memories are priceless. Thank you for making my last year beautiful with your presence. Hope to have you in my next few days as well. Happy New Year
4. Year come n go, but this year I specifically wish you a double dose of health n happiness Topped with a lot of luck. Happy New Year
5. Wishing you a new year full of tremendous With great achievements and experience a significant chapter waiting to be written Happy New Year
6. With the passing years, going through the pain and problems of the past. Stop thinking about the future is lost, instead of wasting your time worrying about the future. Perhaps you have a great Happy New Year
7. Wishing you good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always. Happy New Year
8. Wishing you a year filled with all the aroma of roses, illuminated by the lights of the world and blessed with all the smiles on the planet. Hope this year will be the year when all your dreams come true. Happy New Year
9. When you're happy, smiling and celebrating; but when you're sad, again celebrated to bring a smile to others. Happy New Year
10. Smiled the same old, same old tears, sadness same old, same old cheers, once again the New Year at the top, let's drop dew of new hope. Happy New year
11. Throughout these years I have bugged the hell out of you, today I just wanted to say that I will continue the same in the next year.
12. May the New Year rewards you with success for all of your new venture. Blasting has the Happy New Year
13. As we face this change together, we hope to continue the success of the partnership. Wish you all the best in the New Year
14. The new year begins, let us pray, It will be a year with a new peace, New happiness, and the abundance of new friends, God bless you through out the new year
15. As we move into this new year, may your fears fade, renewed strength and your dreams come true. Happy New Year
16. We are at last mοnth of Υear. Just feel Ι should thank everyone makes this year me smile. Yοu is one οf them so here is great thanks you... happy new year
17. May we live in a world of peace and with the awareness of God's love in every sunset, it lasts petals each, smile every baby, every lover's kiss, and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our hearts. New Year
18. When I look forward to the New Year, I always think about the gifts my parents gave me.
Even though we are miles apart, you are always in your thoughts and my prayers. Happy New Year
A mother had a slender, small,
body, but a large heart – a heart so,
large that everybody’s grief and,
everybody’s joy found welcome in
Happy New Year
20. I wish you scatter happiness all 365 days and get the same in return, As well throughout this New Year, Wish you a Happy New Year
21. This New Year may all your troubles vanish like magic, May you reach out to great glories and achieve all that you desire, Happy New Year
22. New Year gives you the perfect opportunity to start afresh, Grab the chance and make the world a better place for you and yours, Happy New Year
23. Year come and go, but this year I specially wish you. Your health and, happier topped with loads of good fortune, have a great year ahead, Happy New Year
24. May happy times and warm memories brighten your new year, Have a great year, Happy New Year
25. Hope the New sun of the New Year and the new moon of the New Year, Brings good fortune and great luck for you, Wish you Happy New Year
26. Wish you receive god is greatest bliss, life is happiest moments, and luck is greatest favors this year, Wish you. Happy New Year
27. Forget the pains, sorrows, and sadness behind, let us welcome this New Year with big smile, wish you. Happy New Year
28. Wish you a happy new year, may every good present day, becomes a treasure for a better tomorrow. Happy New Year
Life is chemistry. Dilute your sorrows,
Evaporate your worries, filter your happiness
And you'll find crystals of Love may you get best
In the Life that is my new year wish,
Happy New Year
30. New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations, new is the resolution, new are the spirits and forever my warm wishes are for you. Have a promising and fulfilling New Year
31. Another year is about to close its doors and it's time for us to welcome glorious new year . It's time to send Happy New Year Msg, Text Messages, New year gifts, New Year Quotes and Greeting to your friends, family and loved ones.
In soft gleaming night of stars,
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night,
Bring love and joy to you.
Happy New Year
Oh My Dear, Forget your Fear,
Let all your Dreams be Clear,
Never put Tear, Please Hear,
I want to tell one thing in your Ear
Wishing you a very Happy New Year
May this new year bring
Many opportunities your way,
To explore every joy of life &
May your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm,
Turning all your dreams into reality
And All your efforts into great achievements. new year
35. Look with positive intention speak with inner conviction. listen with intense attention. And you'll move in the right direction. Happy New Year
36. Keep the smile, leave the tear, hold the laugh, and forget the fear, because it is a happy new year. Wish you a rocking year ahead. Happy New Year
37. Just as a newly bloomed flower spreads fragrance and freshness around, May this new year adds new aroma and freshness into your life. Wish you a Happy New Year
38. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true! new year
39. We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is Happy New Year
40. I resolve to stop wasting my resolutions on myself and use them to repay you for the warmth you’ve shown me. Happy New Year , my love.
41. Dear New Year, Please let me, my family, my colleagues, my clients and my friends be just happy in this time. new year
42. As we enter the New Year together, let’s resolve to appreciate the love we share and watch it grow even deeper. Happy New Year
43. Everything about the future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure that God had already planned all our tomorrows, we just have to trust him today, I heartily wish a beautiful tomorrow for you and your family. Happy New Year
44. Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.
45. If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
46. Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
47. A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year
48. Counting my blessings and wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New Year in store. Have a joyous New Year, my dear friend!
49. A new year brings not only happiness, it makes us happy with a hope to fulfill our dreams or a new beginning of our life. So, a new year is very special to everyone. old new year was 2019 and now it's new year!
50. No one can go back in time to change what has happened. So work on your present to make yourself a wonderful future. Happy New Year
51. A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true. happy new year friends
52. Friend, neighbor, confidante: you have improved my life so much that, as we enter a new year, I wish for you all the love you have shown me. Happy New Year
As the New Year begins, let us pray,
that it will be a year with new peace,
new happiness, and abundance of new friends,
God bless you through out the New Year.
Happy New Year
54. Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
55. As the New Year approaches us with new hopes, here is wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead. Happy New Year
56. Another year of success and happiness has passed. With every new year, comes greater challenges and
obstacles in life. I wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face. May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead. God bless you. Happy new year friends
57. Another fresh new year is here. Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give! happy new year friends
Nights are dark but days are light, wish your life will always be bright, so my dear don’t get fear, because, God gift us a brand New Year. Happy New Year
59. Just as a new bloom spreads, fragrance and freshness around, may the New Year add a new beauty, and freshness into your life! happy new year to my love
60. May the spirit of the season of New year fill your heart with serenity and peace. Wish you a Happy New Year !
61. I made no resolutions for the New Year, the habit of making plans, criticizing, sanctioning, and molding my life, is too much of, a daily event for me... dear happy new year in advanced
62. 2018 is at the door, remember, life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and, never regret anything that made you smile...
63. Please always know I love you, and no one can take your place, years may come and go, but your memory will never be erased. Happy New Year
64. I feel very blessed to be able to spend time my mom, family & very wonderful friends. very grateful, may only good things come this year. Happy New Year
65. Expand your circles as you welcome this new year, turn your friends into benefits and let your friends also benefit from you. Be ready to share with others and learn as you say good bye 2018 and welcome
66. You are one of the best blessings, for me sent from heaven, enjoy this new year 2018 full of gifts, wishes and prayers. Happy New Year
67. May the year greet you with days as fragrant as roses, as colorful as rainbow, as bright as sunshine and as happy and cheerful as a lark.
68. Wish you all a very happy and fun filled new year, hope there is no end to the world, there is still lot to be seen. Happy New Year
68. A brother is someone, who is sweet & supportive, kind and loving, cheerful & inspiring, a friend and my all time laughter, bro you mean so much more than words can say. Happy New Year!
69. The year is new, the hopes are new, the aspirations are new, but my warm wishes for happiness and prosperity remains. The same for you and your family. Happy New Year
70. Lets gather around and celebrate the dawn of sparkling New Year. May it bring gifts of joys, good health and surprises. Best wishes for a Happy New Year
71. New aim, new dreams, new achievements everything waiting for you. Forget the failures. Correct your mistakes. Surely success is yours. Happy New Year
Blooming flowers,
Sparkling crackers,
Colorful night,
Sweetest bite,
Smiling faces,
Delicious dishes,
Only love,
No fear,
Let's welcome the New Year.
Happy New Year
Good Morning.
It is time to jump out of bed,
Brush your teeth,
Eat your breakfast and get ready to grab.
All the opportunities that will come your way.
Happy First Good Morning of
This past year was flawed,
We were only human.
The past year was just a year,
Nothing but the past.
Now is the and the start of the New Year
On to better times,
And a year’s whose flaws are no more serious than a pin prick.
Happy First Good Morning of New Year
This is to convey my warm happy new year greetings,
For you and your family.
May your every daybreak usher in a new reason to smile,
Every time you are around your family since it will always be,
A source of joy and gladness. happy new year advanced
May your expectations
In this New Year morning,
Be realized with each and everyday of the year.
This is to wish you a good health,
That will maintain the energy
To flip your wing
While soaring into greater heights
Towards your destiny. happy happy new year
If the past year has not taught you anything,
That’s Okay.
31st December doesn't mean it's over.
As long as you have life,
There is hope for you to accomplish,
Greatness and make good memories. love you happy new year
You are like stars shining in the sky,
I wish you a Happy New Year,
As you prepare to face this year.
May you be filled with caring heart,
May peace always prevail in your mind.
Happy and promising New Year
I wish you Happy New Year Congratulations
For making it to a New Year.
May you find happiness this year as you appreciate,
Beautiful memories of the past year it has always been my prayer.
That you succeed in your life. happy new year
I start my new year,
With special people like you my dear brother.
You have been fighting obstacles coming your way courageously,
May this year favor your.
Let favors from heaven pour unto you as you prepare,
To start a New Journey. New Year
Let us welcome the New Year,
Give the Happy To the old,
Start the new beginning without fear,
And cherish the memories we hold! new year
I pray that this year,
Will be a blessed to you.
May God show you direction for you to follow,
May you remain peaceful in mind,
May you be healthy this year.
May you live to enjoy
Every single minute you get this year...happy new year
The journey has been long,
You have struggled
To achieve your goals
And may this year enable you to achieve your set objectives.
May you live to be prosperous and promising in life,
To end something old,
Will start something new,
Wishing you with mighty heart,
Though the words are very few!
Happy New Year 2018
85. I wish that not a single tear trickles down your cheek this New Year. May you be blessed with joy and happiness all the year round. #newyear
86. May this new year be a step forward, in leading you to new adventures, new roads to explore and new success to reach! #newyear
Let the brand New Year discovers you...
More joyful,
More cheerful
More satisfied.
Here is wishing you a Happy New Year also happy new year in advanced :P
Forget about the past,
Because the past gives you worst memories.
Adapt the current situations,
Learn from past mistakes and move forward,
Past experiences are gone,
May you live to adapt new lessons and move forward.
May you grow to be hopeful
And determined this year.
89. As we say bye to the past year and say welcome to The New Year, may you live to be prosperous and successful. May this year be full of peace and determination. Happy New Year to You My Brother!
90. Remove Hate, Lust, Jealousy, Grudge, Animosity, Greed from your dictionary this new year's eve and replace them with Love, Commitment, Support, Compassion, Honesty and Contentment
Here is wishing you a very Happy New Year
91. Thank God for he has granted me the most priceless gift of a sister. You are a treasure beyond measure and I wish you a fabulous New Year
92. Having you means that I have someone to disturb and call in time of need. As we watch the curtains of this year fall, it means that another year sets in giving me another chance to disturb you more.
Happy New Year
93. I cannot believe that
another year has gone
and we have another chance to continue
fighting for the top heel of loaf.
This New Year I freely surrender
the heel of loaf and wish you happiness.
94. I wish that each of the 365 days of . Brings you more happiness, peace, good health and plenty of luxury. Happy and Blessed New Year
The start of first January
Brings you closer and closer
To your dreams and aspirations.
May this be the breakthrough year
That your dreams finally become a reality.
Wishing you a Happy New Year
The start of every new year
Brings you closer and closer
To your dreams and aspirations.
May this be the breakthrough year
That your dreams finally become a reality.
Wishing you a Happy New Year
1st January presents us a golden opportunity
To put behind all the negative events
Of the previous year and gives us
An opportunity to start afresh.
May all your wishes and aspirations
For this new year come to pass.
Remembering the warm hugs, Oh dear friend,
Here are my wishes with all my love I send.
May your sorrows drown and there are no tears,
Missing you and sending wishes of Happy New Year
Here are My Wishes for You.
H - Hours of happy times with friends and family
A - Abundant time for relaxation
P - Prosperity
P - Plenty of love when you need it the most
Y - Youthful excitement at life simple pleasures
N - Nights of restful slumber (you know – don't worry be happy)
E - Everything you need
W - Wishing you love and light
Y - Years and years of good health
E - Enjoyment and mirth
A - Angels to watch over you
R - Remembrance of a happy years!
Happy New Year
The new year is so fresh and new,
May you be willing to cherish
Every moment and celebrate
The blissful of this new year.
Happy and Prosperous
Keep Reading - Happy New Year SMS in English & Hindi Wishes Greetings Messages Text Msgs

Happy New Year SMS in English & Hindi Wishes Greetings Messages Text Msgs
Happy New Year SMS in Hindi 140 Words
1. The new year begins, let us pray, It will be a year of peace, happiness & abundance of new friends, God bless you throughout the Happy New Year
2. Knock knock, I'm the New Year with all blessings, happiness, love and care for you. Welcomed me with an open heart and enjoy my excitement. Happy New Year
3. Huh, another year passed with friends #Kaminay like. Oh shit, Must bear u guys for another year ..? Good Luck with me. Happy New Year.Time fly away so quickly. But it gives me the memories are priceless. Thank you for making my last year beautiful with your presence. Hope to have you in my next few days as well. Happy New Year
4. Year come n go, but this year I specifically wish you a double dose of health n happiness Topped with a lot of luck. Happy New Year
5. Wishing you a new year full of tremendous With great achievements and experience a significant chapter waiting to be written Happy New Year
6. With the passing years, going through the pain and problems of the past. Stop thinking about the future is lost, instead of wasting your time worrying about the future. Perhaps you have a great Happy New Year
7. Wishing you good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always. Happy New Year
8. Wishing you a year filled with all the aroma of roses, illuminated by the lights of the world and blessed with all the smiles on the planet. Hope this year will be the year when all your dreams come true. Happy New Year
9. When you're happy, smiling and celebrating; but when you're sad, again celebrated to bring a smile to others. Happy New Year
Romantic New Year SMS for Friends
10. Smiled the same old, same old tears, sadness same old, same old cheers, once again the New Year at the top, let's drop dew of new hope. Happy New year
11. Throughout these years I have bugged the hell out of you, today I just wanted to say that I will continue the same in the next year.
12. May the New Year rewards you with success for all of your new venture. Blasting has the Happy New Year
13. As we face this change together, we hope to continue the success of the partnership. Wish you all the best in the New Year
14. The new year begins, let us pray, It will be a year with a new peace, New happiness, and the abundance of new friends, God bless you through out the new year
15. As we move into this new year, may your fears fade, renewed strength and your dreams come true. Happy New Year
16. We are at last mοnth of Υear. Just feel Ι should thank everyone makes this year me smile. Yοu is one οf them so here is great thanks you... happy new year
17. May we live in a world of peace and with the awareness of God's love in every sunset, it lasts petals each, smile every baby, every lover's kiss, and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our hearts. New Year
18. When I look forward to the New Year, I always think about the gifts my parents gave me.
Even though we are miles apart, you are always in your thoughts and my prayers. Happy New Year
A mother had a slender, small,
body, but a large heart – a heart so,
large that everybody’s grief and,
everybody’s joy found welcome in
Happy New Year
Happy New Year SMS for Girlfriend / Boyfriend
20. I wish you scatter happiness all 365 days and get the same in return, As well throughout this New Year, Wish you a Happy New Year
21. This New Year may all your troubles vanish like magic, May you reach out to great glories and achieve all that you desire, Happy New Year
22. New Year gives you the perfect opportunity to start afresh, Grab the chance and make the world a better place for you and yours, Happy New Year
23. Year come and go, but this year I specially wish you. Your health and, happier topped with loads of good fortune, have a great year ahead, Happy New Year
24. May happy times and warm memories brighten your new year, Have a great year, Happy New Year
25. Hope the New sun of the New Year and the new moon of the New Year, Brings good fortune and great luck for you, Wish you Happy New Year

26. Wish you receive god is greatest bliss, life is happiest moments, and luck is greatest favors this year, Wish you. Happy New Year
27. Forget the pains, sorrows, and sadness behind, let us welcome this New Year with big smile, wish you. Happy New Year
28. Wish you a happy new year, may every good present day, becomes a treasure for a better tomorrow. Happy New Year
Life is chemistry. Dilute your sorrows,
Evaporate your worries, filter your happiness
And you'll find crystals of Love may you get best
In the Life that is my new year wish,
Happy New Year
Happy New Year SMS Msg
30. New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations, new is the resolution, new are the spirits and forever my warm wishes are for you. Have a promising and fulfilling New Year
31. Another year is about to close its doors and it's time for us to welcome glorious new year . It's time to send Happy New Year Msg, Text Messages, New year gifts, New Year Quotes and Greeting to your friends, family and loved ones.
In soft gleaming night of stars,
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night,
Bring love and joy to you.
Happy New Year
Oh My Dear, Forget your Fear,
Let all your Dreams be Clear,
Never put Tear, Please Hear,
I want to tell one thing in your Ear
Wishing you a very Happy New Year
May this new year bring
Many opportunities your way,
To explore every joy of life &
May your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm,
Turning all your dreams into reality
And All your efforts into great achievements. new year
35. Look with positive intention speak with inner conviction. listen with intense attention. And you'll move in the right direction. Happy New Year
36. Keep the smile, leave the tear, hold the laugh, and forget the fear, because it is a happy new year. Wish you a rocking year ahead. Happy New Year
37. Just as a newly bloomed flower spreads fragrance and freshness around, May this new year adds new aroma and freshness into your life. Wish you a Happy New Year
38. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true! new year
39. We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is Happy New Year
40. I resolve to stop wasting my resolutions on myself and use them to repay you for the warmth you’ve shown me. Happy New Year , my love.
Happy New Year SMS Msg Messages Wishes for Friends
41. Dear New Year, Please let me, my family, my colleagues, my clients and my friends be just happy in this time. new year
42. As we enter the New Year together, let’s resolve to appreciate the love we share and watch it grow even deeper. Happy New Year
43. Everything about the future is uncertain, but one thing is for sure that God had already planned all our tomorrows, we just have to trust him today, I heartily wish a beautiful tomorrow for you and your family. Happy New Year
44. Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.
45. If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
46. Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
47. A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year
48. Counting my blessings and wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New Year in store. Have a joyous New Year, my dear friend!
49. A new year brings not only happiness, it makes us happy with a hope to fulfill our dreams or a new beginning of our life. So, a new year is very special to everyone. old new year was 2019 and now it's new year!
Happy New Year SMS Messages
50. No one can go back in time to change what has happened. So work on your present to make yourself a wonderful future. Happy New Year
51. A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true. happy new year friends
52. Friend, neighbor, confidante: you have improved my life so much that, as we enter a new year, I wish for you all the love you have shown me. Happy New Year
As the New Year begins, let us pray,
that it will be a year with new peace,
new happiness, and abundance of new friends,
God bless you through out the New Year.
Happy New Year
54. Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
55. As the New Year approaches us with new hopes, here is wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead. Happy New Year
56. Another year of success and happiness has passed. With every new year, comes greater challenges and
obstacles in life. I wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face. May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead. God bless you. Happy new year friends
57. Another fresh new year is here. Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give! happy new year friends
Nights are dark but days are light, wish your life will always be bright, so my dear don’t get fear, because, God gift us a brand New Year. Happy New Year
59. Just as a new bloom spreads, fragrance and freshness around, may the New Year add a new beauty, and freshness into your life! happy new year to my love
Happy New Year Messages
60. May the spirit of the season of New year fill your heart with serenity and peace. Wish you a Happy New Year !
61. I made no resolutions for the New Year, the habit of making plans, criticizing, sanctioning, and molding my life, is too much of, a daily event for me... dear happy new year in advanced
62. 2018 is at the door, remember, life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and, never regret anything that made you smile...
63. Please always know I love you, and no one can take your place, years may come and go, but your memory will never be erased. Happy New Year
64. I feel very blessed to be able to spend time my mom, family & very wonderful friends. very grateful, may only good things come this year. Happy New Year
65. Expand your circles as you welcome this new year, turn your friends into benefits and let your friends also benefit from you. Be ready to share with others and learn as you say good bye 2018 and welcome
66. You are one of the best blessings, for me sent from heaven, enjoy this new year 2018 full of gifts, wishes and prayers. Happy New Year
67. May the year greet you with days as fragrant as roses, as colorful as rainbow, as bright as sunshine and as happy and cheerful as a lark.
68. Wish you all a very happy and fun filled new year, hope there is no end to the world, there is still lot to be seen. Happy New Year
68. A brother is someone, who is sweet & supportive, kind and loving, cheerful & inspiring, a friend and my all time laughter, bro you mean so much more than words can say. Happy New Year!
69. The year is new, the hopes are new, the aspirations are new, but my warm wishes for happiness and prosperity remains. The same for you and your family. Happy New Year
Happy New Year SMS Wishes
70. Lets gather around and celebrate the dawn of sparkling New Year. May it bring gifts of joys, good health and surprises. Best wishes for a Happy New Year
71. New aim, new dreams, new achievements everything waiting for you. Forget the failures. Correct your mistakes. Surely success is yours. Happy New Year
Blooming flowers,
Sparkling crackers,
Colorful night,
Sweetest bite,
Smiling faces,
Delicious dishes,
Only love,
No fear,
Let's welcome the New Year.
Happy New Year
Good Morning.
It is time to jump out of bed,
Brush your teeth,
Eat your breakfast and get ready to grab.
All the opportunities that will come your way.
Happy First Good Morning of
This past year was flawed,
We were only human.
The past year was just a year,
Nothing but the past.
Now is the and the start of the New Year
On to better times,
And a year’s whose flaws are no more serious than a pin prick.
Happy First Good Morning of New Year
This is to convey my warm happy new year greetings,
For you and your family.
May your every daybreak usher in a new reason to smile,
Every time you are around your family since it will always be,
A source of joy and gladness. happy new year advanced
May your expectations
In this New Year morning,
Be realized with each and everyday of the year.
This is to wish you a good health,
That will maintain the energy
To flip your wing
While soaring into greater heights
Towards your destiny. happy happy new year
If the past year has not taught you anything,
That’s Okay.
31st December doesn't mean it's over.
As long as you have life,
There is hope for you to accomplish,
Greatness and make good memories. love you happy new year
You are like stars shining in the sky,
I wish you a Happy New Year,
As you prepare to face this year.
May you be filled with caring heart,
May peace always prevail in your mind.
Happy and promising New Year
I wish you Happy New Year Congratulations
For making it to a New Year.
May you find happiness this year as you appreciate,
Beautiful memories of the past year it has always been my prayer.
That you succeed in your life. happy new year
Happy New Year SMS Messages Msgs
I start my new year,
With special people like you my dear brother.
You have been fighting obstacles coming your way courageously,
May this year favor your.
Let favors from heaven pour unto you as you prepare,
To start a New Journey. New Year
Let us welcome the New Year,
Give the Happy To the old,
Start the new beginning without fear,
And cherish the memories we hold! new year
I pray that this year,
Will be a blessed to you.
May God show you direction for you to follow,
May you remain peaceful in mind,
May you be healthy this year.
May you live to enjoy
Every single minute you get this year...happy new year
The journey has been long,
You have struggled
To achieve your goals
And may this year enable you to achieve your set objectives.
May you live to be prosperous and promising in life,
To end something old,
Will start something new,
Wishing you with mighty heart,
Though the words are very few!
Happy New Year 2018
85. I wish that not a single tear trickles down your cheek this New Year. May you be blessed with joy and happiness all the year round. #newyear
86. May this new year be a step forward, in leading you to new adventures, new roads to explore and new success to reach! #newyear
Let the brand New Year discovers you...
More joyful,
More cheerful
More satisfied.
Here is wishing you a Happy New Year also happy new year in advanced :P
Forget about the past,
Because the past gives you worst memories.
Adapt the current situations,
Learn from past mistakes and move forward,
Past experiences are gone,
May you live to adapt new lessons and move forward.
May you grow to be hopeful
And determined this year.
89. As we say bye to the past year and say welcome to The New Year, may you live to be prosperous and successful. May this year be full of peace and determination. Happy New Year to You My Brother!
Happy New Year SMS Greetings
90. Remove Hate, Lust, Jealousy, Grudge, Animosity, Greed from your dictionary this new year's eve and replace them with Love, Commitment, Support, Compassion, Honesty and Contentment
Here is wishing you a very Happy New Year
91. Thank God for he has granted me the most priceless gift of a sister. You are a treasure beyond measure and I wish you a fabulous New Year
92. Having you means that I have someone to disturb and call in time of need. As we watch the curtains of this year fall, it means that another year sets in giving me another chance to disturb you more.
Happy New Year
93. I cannot believe that
another year has gone
and we have another chance to continue
fighting for the top heel of loaf.
This New Year I freely surrender
the heel of loaf and wish you happiness.
94. I wish that each of the 365 days of . Brings you more happiness, peace, good health and plenty of luxury. Happy and Blessed New Year
The start of first January
Brings you closer and closer
To your dreams and aspirations.
May this be the breakthrough year
That your dreams finally become a reality.
Wishing you a Happy New Year
The start of every new year
Brings you closer and closer
To your dreams and aspirations.
May this be the breakthrough year
That your dreams finally become a reality.
Wishing you a Happy New Year
1st January presents us a golden opportunity
To put behind all the negative events
Of the previous year and gives us
An opportunity to start afresh.
May all your wishes and aspirations
For this new year come to pass.
Remembering the warm hugs, Oh dear friend,
Here are my wishes with all my love I send.
May your sorrows drown and there are no tears,
Missing you and sending wishes of Happy New Year
Here are My Wishes for You.
H - Hours of happy times with friends and family
A - Abundant time for relaxation
P - Prosperity
P - Plenty of love when you need it the most
Y - Youthful excitement at life simple pleasures
N - Nights of restful slumber (you know – don't worry be happy)
E - Everything you need
W - Wishing you love and light
Y - Years and years of good health
E - Enjoyment and mirth
A - Angels to watch over you
R - Remembrance of a happy years!
Happy New Year
The new year is so fresh and new,
May you be willing to cherish
Every moment and celebrate
The blissful of this new year.
Happy and Prosperous