
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Top 120 Napoleon Hill Status in English 2022 [Unique & Fresh]

Napoleon Hill Status in English 2022: If you are looking for some of the best Napoleon Hill Status in English 2022 then you are at the correct page. We have collected some of the best for you, Enjoy!

Napoleon Hill Status in English 2022

Napoleon Hill Status in English 2022

1. When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

2. The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.

3. All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.

4. Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by “opinions” when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking.

5. “Our minds become magnetized with the dominating thoughts we hold in our minds and these magnets attract to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts.” Napoleon Hill

6. Before success comes in any man’s life, he’s sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That’s exactly what the majority of men do.

7. “There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge, both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.” Napoleon Hill

8. “Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.” Napoleon Hill

9. “Success is good at any age, but the sooner you find it, the longer you will enjoy it.” Napoleon Hill

10. “The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” Napoleon Hill

11. “Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Napoleon Hill

12. “Everyone faces defeat. It may be a stepping-stone or a stumbling block, depending on the mental attitude with which it is faced.” Napoleon Hill

13. “If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance.” Napoleon Hill

14. “Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.” Napoleon Hill

15. “A positive mind finds a way it can be done; A negative mind looks for all the ways it can’t be done.” Napoleon Hill

16. If you are ready for the secret, you already possess one half of it, therefore, you will readily recognize the other half the moment it reaches your mind.

17. “When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.” Napoleon Hill

18. “Deliberately seek the company of people who influence you to think and act on building the life you desire.” Napoleon Hill

19. “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” Napoleon Hill

20. “Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.” Napoleon Hill

21. “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” Napoleon Hill

22. “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” Napoleon Hill

23. “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” Napoleon Hill

24. “The majority of men meet with failure of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.” Napoleon Hill

25. “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” Napoleon Hill

26. “The cause of depression is traceable directly to the worldwide habit of trying to reap without sowing.” Napoleon Hill

27. “There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.” Napoleon Hill

28. “Tell me how you use your spare time, and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you will be in ten years from now.” Napoleon Hill

29. “All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, imagination is the warship of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.” Napoleon Hill

30. “When you have talked yourself into what you want, right there is the place to stop talking and begin saying it with deeds.” Napoleon Hill

31. “Hold a picture of yourself and steadily enough in your mind’s eye, and you will be drawn toward it.” Napoleon Hill

32. “All thoughts which have been emotionalized (given feeling) and mixed with faith (expectancy), begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent.” Napoleon Hill

33. When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

34. You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.

35. “Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done yesterday.” Napoleon Hill

36. When you are able to maintain your own highest standards of integrity – regardless of what others may do – you are destined for greatness.

37. “To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don’t worry about darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.” Napoleon Hill

38. Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.

39. Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.

40. First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.

41. The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.

42. There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.

43. Remember, too, that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they “arrive.”

44. "Don't wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along."

45. Awake, arise, and assert yourself, you dreamers of the world. Your star is now in ascendancy.

46. Tell me how you use your spare time, and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you will be in ten years from now.

47. "Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and never the result of selfishness."

48. "You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be."

49. Most great people have achieved their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure."

50. "To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don't worry about darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest."

51. "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat."

52. When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

53. "Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."

54. "Success is good at any age, but the sooner you find it, the longer you will enjoy it."

55. "Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action."

56. "When you have talked yourself into what you want, right there is the place to stop talking and begin saying it with deeds."

57. "Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."

58. "Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done yesterday."

59. Everyone faces defeat. It may be a stepping-stone or a stumbling block, depending on the mental attitude with which it is faced.

60. "If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance."

61. “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”
Napoleon Hill

62. “When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.”
Napoleon Hill,

63. “The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”

64. “Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.”
Napoleon Hill

65. “The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does.”
Napoleon Hill

66. “Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.”

67. “Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do. More than five hundred of the most successful men this country has ever known told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.”

68. “The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.”
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

69. “An educated man is not, necessarily, one who has an abundance of general or specialized knowledge. An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything he wants, or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.”
Napolean Hill,

70. “More gold had been mined from the mind of men than the earth it self”
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century

71. “When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.”
Napoleon Hill

72. “Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by "opinions" when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking.”

73. “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
Napoleon Hill

74. “We refuse to believe that which we don't understand.”
Napoleon Hill,

75. “You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little.”
Napoleon Hill,

76. Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
Napoleon Hill,

77. “To win the big stakes in this changed world, you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers of the past, whose dreams have given to civilization all that it has of value, the spirit that serves as the life-blood of our own country – your opportunity and mine, to develop and market our talents.”

78. You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.

79. “Wise men, when in doubt whether to speak or to keep quiet, give themselves the benefit of the doubt, and remain silent.”
Napoleon Hill

80. When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

81. Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.

82. When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.

83. Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.

84. When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

85. The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.

86. You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.

87. Cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.

88. Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.

89. Wise men, when in doubt whether to speak or to keep quiet, give themselves the benefit of the doubt, and remain silent.

90. The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.

91. When you are able to maintain your own highest standards of integrity - regardless of what others may do - you are destined for greatness.

92. If you are not learning while you’re earning, you are cheating yourself out of the better portion of your compensation.

93. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire brings a small amount of heat.

94. Perhaps we shall learn, as we pass through this age, that the 'other self" is more powerful than the physical self we see when we look into a mirror.

95. Those who succeed in an outstanding way seldom do so before the age of 40. More often, they do not strike their real pace until they are well beyond the age of 50.

96. First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.

97. A genius is simply one who has taken full possession of his own mind and directed it toward objectives of his own choosing, without permitting outside influences to discourage or mislead him

98. If you believe yourself unfortunate because you have loved and lost, perish the thought. One who has loved truly, can never lose entirely.

99. Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.

100. Remember that your dominating thoughts attract, through a definite law of nature, by the shortest and most convenient route, their physical counterpart. Be careful what your thoughts dwell upon.

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.

Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last.

When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.

Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice and is never the result of selfishness.

When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.

Action is the real measure of intelligence.

Opportunity…it often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.

The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.

All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.

You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little.

Awake, arise, and assert yourself, you dreamers of the world. Your star is now in the ascendancy.

Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by “opinions” when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking.

Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Before success comes in any man’s life, he’s sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That’s exactly what the majority of men do.

No man is ever whipped until he quits in his own mind.

Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.

One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when overtaken by temporary defeat.

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